Suzuki, a college student who decided to move to a new condominium due to a broken heart. He spends his time alone in a new room, but he is fascinated by his neighbor, Hoka, who is moving to a new room without any sexual discipline. However, he could not approach her married woman and he was in agony. One day, Suzuki was invited to Hoka's home. Hoka, who has a mischievous heart against her nervous man, sets up an exciting approach that upsets the daily life of a virgin youth.
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Label: | Madonna |
Series: | ---- |
Director: | Hiroyuki Kimura |
Categories: | Mature WomanSlutMarried WomanCherry BoyFeatured ActressMasochist ManDigital MosaicHi-Def |
Studio: | MADONNA |
Actress: | Honoka Yonekura |